The Eucharistic Event

Communiqué on the Eucharistic Event in the parish of St. Hyacinth in Legnica
Sisters and Brothers in Christ the Lord!
In my capacity as Bishop of Legnica, I hereby give news of an event that occurred in the parish of St. Hyacinth in Legnica and which has the hallmarks of a Eucharistic miracle. A red discolouration appeared after some time on the Host which fell on the floor on 25 December 2013 when Holy Communion was given and which was picked up and placed in a vessel of water. The then Bishop of Legnica, Bishop Stefan Cichy, set up a commission to observe the phenomenon. In February 2014, a piece of red coloured matter was extracted and deposited on the corporal. In order to clarify the nature of this matter, the Commission commissioned samples to be taken and relevant tests to be carried out by various competent institutions.
Finally, the ruling of the Department of Forensic Medicine reads: 'The histopathological image showed tissue fragments containing fragmented parts of striated muscle. (...) The overall picture (...) is most similar to cardiac muscle' (...) with changes that 'often accompany agony'. Genetic studies indicate a human origin of the tissue.
In January this year I presented the whole matter to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Today, in accordance with the recommendations of the Holy See, I ask Monsignor Andrew Ziombra to prepare a suitable place for the display of the Relic, so that the faithful may venerate it. I would also ask you to make relevant information available to the incoming people and to conduct a systematic catechesis, which would help to properly form the awareness of the faithful in the field of Eucharistic devotion. I also recommend the creation of a book in which any graces received and other supernatural events are recorded.
I hope that all this will serve to deepen devotion to the Eucharist and will bear fruit in the lives of those who approach this Relic. We read this marvellous Sign as a special expression of the kindness and love of the Lord God, who descends so low to man.
I commend myself to your prayers and bless you
+ Zbigniew Kiernikowski